Monday, September 6, 2010

The worsening state of Humanity

If you're a mother, thinks you think about are are like, what kind of a world will my kids and grandkids will live in the future. You then check the state of the world in the present and realize how things will get better in the future. With the onset of technology and lots of living aids that are suppose to help us stop and appreciate the wonders around us, it seems like our society is moving backwards.

Stories of hostage taking, stealing in a different level, killings, occupies the news and television. Our kids are exposed to airing of dirty laundry on television and internet, Sex Scandals, materialism, going to jail by socialites and actors and then getting the 15 minutes of fame, these are becoming the staple arsenal of a teenage life, with their young impressionable minds, this things will become milestones of becoming famous which is the goal of a lot of kids nowadays. They see fame and fortune, but the media is forgetting to highlight fame and fortune that was derived from hard work and talent, instead how notorious or how big your shock value are.

So tell me, are we moving forward as a society or just waiting for a meteorite to hit us and transport us back to caveman days from which we came.

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